4” Pink Thai Aglaonema


4” Pink Thai Aglaonema


Aglaonema is one of the easiest to grow houseplants while it’s also one of the most interesting and decorative ones. We are always pleasantly surprised with the vibrancy of the colours on those plants.

Aglaonema will thrive in medium to low light and its perfect for those who tend to forget to water their plants. Although Aglaonema is a slow grower, it will reward you with beautiful variegated foliage and hardiness. To assure best coloration keep it in a bright spot with indirect sunlight.

Care Tips:

  • Light: The darker green varieties of aglaonema can grow in near shade, while the variegated varieties require brighter light. Do not expose any aglaonema to direct sun.

  • Water: Water thoroughly in the summer and mist the plant often to raise the humidity. During the winter, reduce watering but do not let the plant dry out completely.

  • Temperature: These plants do not like cold drafts or temperatures below 65 F. Be sure to keep it away from drafty windows or vents and the warmer the spot you can find, the better.

  • Soil: A well-drained potting soil is perfect, use our aroid potting mix for best results

  • Fertilizer: Feed your aglaonema with slow-release pellets or a liquid fertilizer during the growing season.

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