Productive does’t Equal your worth…
“I’m overwhelmed.... I don’t know where to start? I feel like I have so much in my head and so many ideas. And I’m always complaining about not having time and now I have all the time in the world.“
Words I texted Katie this past Friday. Just moments after I scrolled my To-Do List in my notes that seems to get longer & longer each day.
To Do List
Date Night Blog
Plant Blog Post
Work on Plant Cart
Next Weeks Newsletter
Podcast To-Do List
Letter for Vendors
Coping with Coronavirus
#WFH With Kids Blog
Home School Reality
Shop Small Blog List
Edit Stickers
Send Letters
Work on Cookbook
Where is the Book Bree?
Hell Friday’s newsletter just went out 2 hours ago and I was already talking about being behind for next weeks newsletter. Why in the heck is my To-Do List so long? (I didn’t list everything) Oh & my fav, where is the book Bree. LMAO
Like I am really looking myself in the mirror saying, “Get your shit together, you are slacking Bree.” On top of the “To-Do List” you don’t see the DIY things. Home Cooked Meals that are being made for a family of 5. Yes 5 because my father lives with us too.
The“Homeschooling” that I’m two seconds away from saying “What about that rap career Kai & Kael” Don’t worry about school
All you see.....all you hear is STAY BUSY, BE PRODUCTIVE.
Well I’m going to say it…
Yep I said it! Whew! Dang that feels good. Oh I know there are some reading this right now that are probably like “Wow she is so Lazy.”
Well #SorryNotSorry I’m not.
Honestly there is so much noise around us. So many people & things telling us what to do. Social Media, The Internet, TV etc constantly giving us
And telling us we have ALL the time in the world right now. So do more, be more. I mean you have the time right?!?
Let’s see I need to Marie Kondo my entire home. Join a Peloton group or make sure I take a virtual workout class to stay in shape. Make sure I am sitting at the computer to watch a Live Q & A, about how I need to do more and cope with everything. Which 80% of the time takes place when I’m suppose to home-school my twins. One with Autism & one with Dyslexia.
Which is a whole different topic. That I will touch on. Wait, actually I will touch on a bit right now. Just had the first week of the boys school and yeah....NO. The amount of emails 40+ in one day. Notifications average of 60 and the zoom calls. It was a shit show- and we officially skipped a couple of days
Long story short, it was tough enough to be productive when times were good. Let alone during a GLOBAL crisis. So if you feel like you are not being productive.
Stop beating yourself up about it.
I read this recently from Chris Bailey, Author “Hyperfocus: How to Manage Your Attention in a World of Distraction.” “The idea that we have so much time available during the day now is fantastic, but these days it’s the opposite of a luxury. We’re home because we have to be home, and we have much less attention because we’re living through so much.
Guys we are going through a lot. A LOT.
And it’s stuff that isn’t normal. We feel as though every minute of our life has to be productive. Even during these times. And honestly this just adds more stress to our life.
Lives that have not adjusted to the new normal.
We are dealing with a lot right now. Accept that. We are loosing Jobs, loosing money. Trying to figure out how to be keep food on our tables. Care for our children & other loved ones. Trying to be a good companion or spouse. Making sure we are being a good friend. Trying to keep up with all the news. Wear a mask don’t wear a mask. Stay in the house to April 30....wait I mean May 20th.
Gosh! It’s all so much.
Be kind……
More then ever that cute “IG Post” that’s trendy, colorful and that states BE KIND is needed.
But not only to ourselves. Each one of us dealing with these uncertain times differently. And each one of us have no experience to deal with these times. Remember some may cope with these times entirely different from you. Productive may be their middle name. But this doesn’t mean you are less, because unproductive is yours.
And if you are very productive and you can do all the challenges, do all the IG Lives & the How-To’s & To-Do’s. Me writing this blog is not to diminish the work you do, or even have to do. It’s simply to remind myself and others. It’s still OK to not have it all figured out. Even with all the time in the world.
““Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.” -OPRAH”
Illustrations by Charly Clements