Tips for Caring for Houseplants in the Winter…

As the seasons change outside, your plant care routine should change inside. At first we were just sharing 3 Easy Tips & Tricks but we get this question often. So Buckle Plant Bestie…we will have you on the road to Plant Parenthood in no time.

Increase Light

If it feels like we rarely see the sun in the winter, that’s because it sets earlier, is lower in the sky, and is often covered with clouds. Make sure your houseplants are getting enough light during this time. Most plants will adjust to the seasonal change in their current spot, while others might need to be moved closer to their light source, the window, to receive more light. If plants are visibly leaning towards the window, gradually rotate them every few days to help them straighten out. If plants have spindly new growth, move them closer to the sill.

Adjust Your Watering Routine

It might sound counterintuitive, but most indoor plants need less water during the winter. While it's true that winter air is drier, plants experience a slower rate of growth during colder months; some even go completely dormant. Therefore, plants need less water to keep hydrated, and overwatering can lead to root rot. Keep in mind that different plants have different water needs—drought-tolerant cacti and other succulents might not need watering at all, while some tropicals might still require more regular watering.

Be Mindful of Temperature

An extreme change in temperature, or draft of cold or warm air, can cause indoor plants, used to somewhat stable conditions, to stress out. Keep your plants away from open windows and front doors, as well as heating units and radiators (which can quickly dry them out). Some plants are more sensitive to the cold than others but if you’re feeling the chill, chances are, your plants are too. Most common varieties of houseplants prefer temps around 75°F.

Embrace Dormancy

Feel sleepy in winter? Plants do too—thanks to shorter days and less sun. Many plants even go into a state of dormancy or semi-dormancy in the winter months.This is ok Friends. You can also wait for visible signs of thirst to show, like wrinkling leaves for succulents or drooping stems for tropicals, paired with dry soil.

Dust Off Leaves

Closed windows during the cold winter months can increase dust and indoor pollution. When dust and dirt build up on your plants’ leaves, it can reduce the amount of light getting to your houseplants. Considering how short the days are—it is even more important than usual that your plants get as much light as possible. Help by gently dusting off leaves every few weeks with a soft, damp cloth. You can also add a drop or two of lemon juice or household soap.

We are Empowering all people to be plant people.We want to inspire confidence in the next generation of plant parents. There are no brown or black thumbs here at The Plant Project. Only Plant Joy… we are rooting for you Plant Besties

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The Plant Project